Genesis Reimagined: A Cosmological Epic of Grace

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Genesis Reimagined: A Cosmological Epic of Grace


I rewrote the following version of Genesis 1-2:2 based on years of research, reading, and writing.  I reimagined the wisdom and beauty of this story by bringing in concepts and features of sacred evolutionary cosmology that would affirm humanity’s co-creative communion with all of creation.  My hope was that through this re-story-ation, I might remember who I am meant to be as part of the imago Dei, and that I would have a new story I could begin telling my children to equip and empower them to live in ways that are on behalf of the Other and the future of our sacred planetary home.

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Genesis Reimagined: A Cosmological Epic of Grace is a PDF download of a reimagined creation story that integrates Mary's Trinitarian Imago Dei into the traditional creation myth.