Prayer: Earth, Teach Me

Earth, Teach Me


Earth, teach me of waiting
as the wild ones who rest within your folds,
and the buds who sit seasonally dormant upon the branch.

Earth, teach me of humility
as blossoms are humble with the new form of beginning.

Earth, teach me of courage
as the tree which stands alone, apart from the company of the forest.

Earth, teach me of community
as the woodland holds many.

Earth, teach me limitation
as the worm works through the ground.

Earth, teach me of interconnection
as Red tail hawk soars in the sky.

Earth, teach me of regeneration
as the seed which rises into green unfurling in the Spring.

Earth, teach me to see myself in all things
as melted snow enters the watershed. 

*written and inspired by the prayer, "Earth, Teach Me" by Kenneth Macintosh's Celtic Nature Prayers