The Rewilding Wheel: Turning Towards Transformation

The Rewilding Wheel: Turning Towards Transformation

The Rewilding Wheel is a sacred circuit that seeks to locate the wisdom of universal nature symbols within one’s particular homescape for the purpose of spiritual formation. Rewilding Community member Lisa has been journeying around the Rewilding Wheel for over a year. Read this thoughtful interview that provides insight into the seasonal practices that can lead to a deeper relationship with the Sacred Wild.

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Autumn Rewilding Retreat | Reclaim the Skin You are Meant to Be In: How Stories of the Selke Guide Our Becoming

Autumn Rewilding Retreat | Reclaim the Skin You are Meant to Be In: How Stories of the Selke Guide Our Becoming

An immersive Rewilding Retreat weekend wetted with myth, soul ceremony, ritual, and wild wanderings was just the thing for a group of courageous women who willingly engaged the Celtic story of the Selkie as a way to re-cover and re-member their meant-for-ness.

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Cultivate the Wisdom Within the Wild: Biomimicry as a Spiritual Practice

Cultivate the Wisdom Within the Wild: Biomimicry as a Spiritual Practice

We are approaching the threshold of Winter, and these days that come before that elemental edge are known as Advent, a sacred time of the year when rituals attune ourselves to the growing darkness and hope is kindled by the coming of light. Finding nature-based practices that deepen our sense of this season are a challenge to come by. Biomimicry is a powerful way to look to Nature as a wizened and warm teacher, who guides us into a meaningful and rooted way of being both through the holidays and in the seasons to come.

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Spring Rewilding Retreat: Rising Up Rooted Like Trees

Spring Rewilding Retreat: Rising Up Rooted Like Trees

I am engaging in a Rewilding Year, a year of prayers and practices to reconnect myself to the natural wisdom cycles of the natural world. With ancient nature symbology as my guide, I locate these associations within a particular bioregion, a landscape that both holds these sacred correspondences and invites one into a deep soul exploration within them. Read on to discover with me what the forest revealed in this Spring time location!

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Listening in Place as Practice & Poetry-A Workshop with David Whyte

Listening in Place as Practice & Poetry-A Workshop with David Whyte

“The Practice & Poetry of Listening in Place” was the title of the workshop I was invited to facilitate with the poet, writer, and philosopher David Whyte. From this starting place, we drew upon themes of the selva oscura, the dark woods, and how the path is both guide and our truest selves. Participants were given native plants to get to know and with whom to co-create nature mandalas as a practice of listening to, and learning from, the more than human world. It was an extraordinary day!

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beWILDerment: Coming Home to Our Creativity through Nature

beWILDerment: Coming Home to Our Creativity through Nature

Engaging with the natural world becomes an essence of imaginative play. Being within the enchanted edges of the more wilder places is a foundational element to the children’s way of knowing, understanding, and interacting with the natural world that manifests in their ability for creative self-expression and sense of belonging to the world. 

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Rewilding & Journeying with Nature: A Conversation with Pilgrim Podcast

Rewilding & Journeying with Nature: A Conversation with Pilgrim Podcast

Are you curious about how I understand rewilding as a spiritual practice and nature as a sacred guide? Are you wondering if a Rewilding Retreat is right for you? Listen in to this illuminating conversation I had with Lacy Clark Ellman, host of the Pilgrim Podcast and pilgrimage guide with A Sacred Journey. I think you will come away with a desire to be rewilded

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